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ComSat Minmus III (Archive)
^^ Craft Information - Orbital Adjustment 10/20/15 ^^
Our tried-and-true 3-satellite communications network is coming to Minmus. Successful use of the constellation around both Kerbin and Mun have deterred engineers from implementing more complex solutions, although they certainly thought about them. The satellite will carry two dishes and one antenna. The antenna will serve for the local omni network while the dishes allow for direct comms to Mun and indirect comms to Kerbin, routed through the IP ComSats. A lofty 1,150km orbit will provide for a very stable constellation once all satellites are in place. The transfer stage contains a probe core that will allow for any remaining fuel to be used to send the stage into Minmus for impact experiments in the future.
The satellite will gradually drift back into optimal position by the beginning of December, where we will sync orbital periods with the other two
Mission ongoing MET: 9y 320d, 11h 7m 7s
4/7/15 @ 20:01:07 UTC
Avg Velocity: 0.038km/s
Periapsis: 1,146.329km
Apoapsis: 1,149.180km
Eccentricity: 0.001180
Inclination: 0.057°
Orbital Period:198,461.79s
Last Update:
Total Distance Traveled as of Last Update: 708,307km Estimated Current Total Distance Traveled: 11,972,238km