Originally launched as ComSat Mun III, improperly set booster thrust limiters caused the launch of this craft to go awry, leaving it in an unsuitable orbit without enough fuel for Mun transfer/insertion. After a kerbed orbital refueling mission was deemed too expensive compared to launching another craft, it was handed over to the Kerbin Meteorological Society for them to use its cameras to monitor weather from space.
With the placement of IP ComSat I in high polar orbit, it was determined that the comsat attached to KWO-1 could be used to provide comm link to Mission Control without having to retask our LKO ComSats, which only have one dish each. KWO-1's orbit was adjusted with the remaining fuel to help the new comsat work its way towards 0 degrees of inclination.
KWO-1 will continue monitoring Kerbin weather for the KMS from its new orbit - its orbital data has been updated to account for a 4-month operational gap as the KSA was shutdown due to government audit