

Dec 10 2014

Special Notice: Inter-Agency Twitter Cooperation

Monthly update will still come in a few days, but given recent events I wanted to release this now.

Recently the account @KSP_CCCP and I have begun to work together, as in actually partially share the same “universe” as you will. The decision to do this, for me, was largely due to the fact that I had already written in some generic conflict happening on Kerbin simply as a prop to use as some filler material on slow days and also make things a bit more challenging for myself by declaring certain areas of Kerbin “off limits” to my aircraft and capsule returns. The @KSP_CCCP account came on the scene (without any prior contact with me – not a bad thing just making a note of that) opposing the KSA and the “Presider” I had set up as leader of a united Kerbin so since it fit the bill nicely I decided to take advantage of it – with someone else having their own fun with the whole conflict storyline I don’t have to dedicate so much thought to it.

At the same time, I’m in no way basing the actions and events in my story on everything @KSP_CCCP chooses to do. Nor should they in regards to me (we’ve set up some major plot points, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go). First, let’s keep in mind that while everyone else seems to be tweeting as they go, my current day of operations is 2/5/15 and the account is simply playing catch up. So I have events plotted well ahead and I’m not going to be able to change a lot of it based on what other accounts are doing now. Second, I’m not about to tie anything in my story to another account that could vanish at any time. In the case of the @KSP_CCCP well, it’s not the first time a koviet union has collapsed 😉 It wouldn’t be a problem to continue on the conflict storyline without them. It *would* be a problem if we were building a space station together and now I have to design the missing pieces on my own. So don’t anyone get their hopes up for stuff like DarkMP interaction – at least not with me. Thirdly, and most importantly, it can be potentially detrimental to readers if they need to spend a lot of time following the actions of various accounts to get an entire story, worse when those accounts fail to plan properly and step on each other. And that planning also takes effort on the account authors. I have enough on my plate already.

Bottom line is that @KSA_MissionCtrl will always be its own storyline and things happening in it will not directly depend on or be influenced by the actions of other twitter accounts. As with @KSP_CCCP there may be opportunities in which a little bit of crossover can be beneficial to both accounts, and I’m always open to such things. But please don’t move out of the default KSC just because I’m using it. And don’t be offended if I don’t directly engage in events that your putting on in your storyline. If you do want to try and tie certain events together (events, not your whole story), please contact me first either here on the forums or on twitter.

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