
Dec 26 2015

Launch Stream Testing

The issues that have plagued Chrome users when trying to watch the video during launch streaming appears to be fixed as far as I can tell from what testing I have done. Turns out Chrome only likes to load OGV videos and only when it is the only option available. I don’t know – I tried at least half a dozen other solutions I found searching around the web before stumbling across this on my own based on someone saying that Chrome wouldn’t load any video if either MP4 or Webm were present and I only had to remove one or the other. Well turns out I needed to remove both. Okay. (Non-Chrome browsers still get a pick of MP4, Webm and OGV). So with that out of the way I’m going to run two launches today – both will be exactly the same so if you catch one no need to catch another – unless you want to. I decided against using the MkIII sounding rocket because it is too close to what I will be doing once the KSA reboots. Instead I strapped two boosters on the Docking Test Probe and finally got that up into orbit 😛

Launch Times

Launch #1: 17:00:00 UTC
Launch #2: 23:00:00 UTC

The more people who can watch the better, as before there will be an optional survey you can participate in after the launch is over – please note that even if you don’t want to fill anything out, a lot of debug information is filled out automatically so just going to the form and pressing Submit helps me greatly!

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