

Jul 04 2014

#025: Day-long Polar Orbit for Science

Now that the LKO communications network is finally completed and fully operational, a mission proposed weeks ago by Lead Scientist Wernher Von Kerman was finally approved – a near-polar orbit would be established for observations of the entire planet over the course of a day-long mission. Originally scheduled to launch on 6/30, the previous day a dish at the tracking station suffered a mechanical failure and needed to be replaced. After a day to replace the dish and a day to test/calibrate it, weather was the issue holding up the launch. There was a small chance, so Flight Director Lanalye ordered the rocket out to the pad the night before so it could be prepped in the morning. However a fuel line was not properly attached, blew loose overnight and moisture got into one of the large main engine tanks. In the time it took to dry, the weather worsened for the day and launch had to be cancelled. Finally, on 7/3, everything fell into place for the mission to receive a Go.

tweet1.png tweet2.png tweet3.png tweet4.png we're on final hold and workers are clearing the 'pad. Here's Kerbin VII from beside the launch tower elevator doors tweet5.png tweet6.png tweet7.png tweet8.png tweet9.png tweet10.png tweet11.png tweet12.png tweet13.png tweet14.png tweet15.png orbital photo of sunrise from the south pole. Sadly no magnetic storms active today tweet17.png tweet18.png Capt Bob went EVA for some exercise and took this photo of the orbital stage over Kerbin's badlands tweet19.png Kerbin's tallest mountains, 4km high, rise up into the atmosphere as Capt Bob cruises over an ocean storm tweet20.png tweet21.png tweet22.png before trying to get some sleep in the cramped capsule, Capt Bob snapped a shot of Sea Ring crater tweet23.png tweet24.png tweet25.png tweet26.png tweet27.png TV broadcast went well, now it's back to work. Bob's personal camera still sends pics okay so, here's his office tweet28.png tweet29.png missed the launch yesterday? Don't worry we have you covered. Tower cam missed the launch yesterday? Don't worry we have you covered. Booster cam tweet30.png tweet31.png tweet32.png tweet33.png we have contact with the capsule descending under chutes and the recovery team isn't far off - sent us this tweet34.png welcome home Capt Bob! Great job all around to the teams here at the KSA for another successful mission

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