Dec 15 2014

Ten Month Update

Just getting into 0.25

… and of course 0.90 drops today. On the plus side though, this really clears up the dilemma I was afraid I would have when I used Custom Biomes for after my Duna I arrival and then had to switch over to the “official” Squad biomes. But as with 0.25, which I literally started getting into at the start of this month, it’ll be a while before 0.90 is in any shape for me to upgrade and still retain everything currently in my game in some form or another. I’ve had the same persistence file since 0.23 and I’m not gonna break the streak if I can help it.

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Dec 13 2014

Mun I Launch Abort

Our recent launch to place kerbals in orbit around Mun was forced to abort during ascent. After booster separation main engine throttle up did not occur and the rocket began to succumb to lateral air flow and tip over backwards. Afraid of a possible structural failure that would break up the entire rocket, Commander Bob triggered the LES while almost perpendicular to the craft’s velocity vector and the capsule was spun violently, producing several seconds of 6-8Gs. Both Cmdr Bob and Capt Desson were recovered from the Kerblantic without injuries. The cause of the engine failure will be under investigation

Dec 10 2014

Special Notice: Inter-Agency Twitter Cooperation

Monthly update will still come in a few days, but given recent events I wanted to release this now.

Recently the account @KSP_CCCP and I have begun to work together, as in actually partially share the same “universe” as you will. The decision to do this, for me, was largely due to the fact that I had already written in some generic conflict happening on Kerbin simply as a prop to use as some filler material on slow days and also make things a bit more challenging for myself by declaring certain areas of Kerbin “off limits” to my aircraft and capsule returns. The @KSP_CCCP account came on the scene (without any prior contact with me – not a bad thing just making a note of that) opposing the KSA and the “Presider” I had set up as leader of a united Kerbin so since it fit the bill nicely I decided to take advantage of it – with someone else having their own fun with the whole conflict storyline I don’t have to dedicate so much thought to it.

At the same time, I’m in no way basing the actions and events in my story on everything @KSP_CCCP chooses to do. Nor should they in regards to me (we’ve set up some major plot points, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go). First, let’s keep in mind that while everyone else seems to be tweeting as they go, my current day of operations is 2/5/15 and the account is simply playing catch up. So I have events plotted well ahead and I’m not going to be able to change a lot of it based on what other accounts are doing now. Second, I’m not about to tie anything in my story to another account that could vanish at any time. In the case of the @KSP_CCCP well, it’s not the first time a koviet union has collapsed 😉 It wouldn’t be a problem to continue on the conflict storyline without them. It *would* be a problem if we were building a space station together and now I have to design the missing pieces on my own. So don’t anyone get their hopes up for stuff like DarkMP interaction – at least not with me. Thirdly, and most importantly, it can be potentially detrimental to readers if they need to spend a lot of time following the actions of various accounts to get an entire story, worse when those accounts fail to plan properly and step on each other. And that planning also takes effort on the account authors. I have enough on my plate already.

Bottom line is that @KSA_MissionCtrl will always be its own storyline and things happening in it will not directly depend on or be influenced by the actions of other twitter accounts. As with @KSP_CCCP there may be opportunities in which a little bit of crossover can be beneficial to both accounts, and I’m always open to such things. But please don’t move out of the default KSC just because I’m using it. And don’t be offended if I don’t directly engage in events that your putting on in your storyline. If you do want to try and tie certain events together (events, not your whole story), please contact me first either here on the forums or on twitter.

Dec 03 2014

#048: Duna I (Part 1/2)

The first inkling that the KSA was planning an interplanetary mission came back in August of 2014. It took three months of planning and construction of the probe parts (including new solar panels, radar topography scanner, and science instruments) followed by two months of construction and testing for the rocket (including new SRBs, a new orbital engine and an entirely new 2.5m rocket system). The end result was the most advanced craft to date, which was needed to get its payload as far as Duna. Launched during a transfer window, the journey would still take several weeks. This dispatch covers the design, testing, construction, launch and TDI burn that sets the craft on its way towards interplanetary space.

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Nov 30 2014

Kerbin Satellites – 11/30/14

The video begins with all satellites in Kerbin orbit positioned as of 12:01:29 UTC on 11/30/14 and advances 13.5 hours at a rate of 500x normal speed. Kerbin’s rotational axis position is not proper, but all satellite positions are accurate.

Red – Debris/Nonoperational satellites
Orange – Operational satellites
Green – Communication satellites

We apologize for the motion blur and will have to capture data at a higher frame rate next time.

Nov 30 2014

#047: IP ComSat II Redeux

The Inter-Planetary Communication Satellite network has so far seen several setbacks, mainly the fact that both IP ComSats failed to achieve orbit on their first launches. In the case of the second launch failure, actual sabotage was alleged by some news agencies, although independent investigation by the KSA is underway and has so far turned up no conclusive evidence of tampering with the launch vehicle. The KSA only needs two satellites to complete this network, but the failure of this second attempt to put IP ComSat II into orbit could jeopardize the entire operation and place extra stress on the KSA to explain these issues to its investors. With all this in mind, Lead Engineer Simon and his team have worked diligently in the hopes of finally completing the IP ComSat network with this launch.

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Nov 29 2014

IP ComSat II – SRB Separation

We’ve been having trouble lately with our new recoverable boosters separating cleanly from the rocket during launch – we even lost one rocket due to an impact on the main engine! As you can see however, decoupling is much better now.

Nov 18 2014

#046: Mk1-2 Capsule Return Test #2

The previous capsule return test was perfect right up to the point where chute deployment failed to return the capsule safely to the ground after re-entering the atmosphere. Engineers re-did the math and tweaked the chute timings to give the capsule enough altitude to slow for a safe landing. In addition, a new SRB design and solar panel array was available to be used with this launch to test their performance prior to their use on Duna I. The LES was retained throughout the mission to help document the spacecraft, which was especially useful during the early stages of re-entry before heat seared the lens.

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Nov 16 2014

#045: IP ComSat II Déjà Vu

The KSA has readied a third satellite for launch into polar orbit to complete the first interplanetary communications network around Kerbin. The first launch failed during ascent, the second launch was successful, and now the Agency hopes to add another good launch to their record. Once in place, the two IP ComSats will allow Mission Control to contact craft anywhere in the Kerbol system, staying both high above and below the orbital plane as much as possible to improve chances of connections.

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Nov 16 2014

Nine Month Update

Day late, so no preamble, straight to the update. Busy busy busy…

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